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To be able to analyse the complete data of the RAMEDIS database, you must first obtain a login and password. You can do this by registering here as a registered user of RAMEDIS. All you have to do, is to fill out the form below completely and then click on the 'Register' button to send us your registration. Afterwards, you can use your personal login and password.

If you are a health professional and you want to insert and edit data to the database as an author of case reports, please enable the corresponding checkbox labeled with 'Request author rights'. After your registration you will receive a confirmation of your author rights. This may take some days, because your registration will be evaluated to prevent unauthorized use and insertion of invalid data.

The authors of RAMEDIS
  • take care of data protection;
  • have the agreement from patients or their parents for publishing data and images;
  • include all co-authors contributing to the case report and
  • take over personal responsibility for correctness of the data.

Please note that all the fields below which are marked with an asterix (*) are required for a successful user registration. Failure to fill out any of the fields will result in a failed registration. This information will be displayed as corresponding address in the Ramedis Analysis Tool. The Ramedis partners will not sell nor provide this information to others outside.
Name *
First name *
Hospital / Institute / Company *
Department / Research Group
Street and Number*
City *
ZIP, Postal code *
Country *
E-mail address *
Login *
Password *
Re-type your Password *
Only for health professionals or scientific researches: request of author rigths
  (registration will be evaluated)
If you want to insert and edit data to the database for publishing case reports as an author, please enable the checkbox.
(c) 2000-2024 RAMEDIS
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