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Patient case report | Main data
Patient ID 366
Gender f
Age of symptoms onset 6 Day(s)
Age of diagnosis 10.00 Day(s)
Found in newborn screening n
Diagnosis confirmed y
Country Germany
Ethnic origin Mother: Hispanic, Father: Hispanic
History Second child of healthy parents. No complications under pregnancy, birth without any complications. In hospital, opisthotonus and hypertonia occured. Seizures and maple sirup odor surprised after 6 days. Increased levels of valine, leucine and isoleucine in serum were found and led to diagnosis of MSUD. After initiation of protein-restricted diet, the girl developed well. During infections, the girl is suffering from severe metabolic decompensations.
Author Willy Lehnert
Hospital University Childrens Hospital Freiburg
Date of entry 2001-09-24 17:38:02
(c) 2000-2024 RAMEDIS
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