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Patient case report | Main data
Patient ID 329
Gender f
Age of symptoms onset 2 Month(s)
Age of diagnosis 2.30 Month(s)
Found in newborn screening n
Diagnosis confirmed y
Country Germany
Ethnic origin Mother: Philippinean, Father: German
History The first child of healthy parents was admitted to hospital with severe vomiting and dehydration at 2 months of age. Elevated excretion of propionic acid and its metabolites led to diagnosis of propionic acidemia. Therapy with protein-restricted diet and carnitine-supplementation had been initiated. Frequent infections with metabolic decompensations and unsufficient development of the little girl led to long hospitalizations. Conditions improved after having installed a PEG and after the infant had been taken into care of a reliable family. At the age of 5 years, a febrile gastrointestinal infection led to failure of liver and kidney and finally to death.
Author Friedrich Trefz
Hospital Childrens Hospital Reutlingen
Date of entry 2001-08-23 12:36:08
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