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Patient case report | Main data
Patient ID 316
Gender m
Age of symptoms onset 0 Day(s)
Age of diagnosis 7.72 Week(s)
Found in newborn screening y
Diagnosis confirmed y
Country Germany
Ethnic origin Mother: German, Father: German
History The patient was found in the newborn screening program with increased concentration of octanoylcarnitine in blood and elevated ratio of octanoylcarnitine:decanoylcarnitine. After diagnosis of MCAD-deficiency was made, treatment with carnitine supplementation and avoidance of fasting was initiated. The patient never came to metabolic decompensation. Psychomotoric and mental development is normal (16 months).
Author Friedrich Trefz
Hospital Childrens Hospital Reutlingen
Date of entry 2001-08-09 17:39:57
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