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Patient case report | Main data
Patient ID 251
Gender f
Age of symptoms onset 1 Week(s)
Age of diagnosis 7.00 Day(s)
Found in newborn screening n
Diagnosis confirmed y
Country Germany
Ethnic origin Mother: German, Father: German
History In her first week of life, the third child of non-consanguineous healthy parents showed drowsiness and feeding problems. Metabolic acidosis and ketosis on the 7th day of life lead to investigation using gas chromatography, showing the diagnosis of propionic acidemia. Protein-restricted diet and exchange transfusions were not successful. After attacks of apnea and bradycardia, the patient died on her 9th day of life.
Author Willy Lehnert
Hospital University Childrens Hospital Freiburg
Date of entry 2001-07-16 09:30:46
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